Thursday, October 28, 2010


晚上十一点三十分, 绕着公园跑了五圈。 哈哈, 因为最近想练体力。

昨天下午在 kelana jaya 出席一个 promoter training. 因为接下来的月头有个为期两个星期的大减价, 它的 工资也很不赖。 原来 sales 真的不容易做, 除了口才, 我们还需懂得创新, 勇气也是大不可缺的一块。 上星期的周末在 midvalley 作了两天的 promoter, 也学到了一些在新的东西, 也有了新的尝试, 接下来要做的就是推高业绩。 5 号到 18 号。。 是上课的日子, 所以时间应该是超满的吧。

还是老样子, 这里的生活就是忙忙忙。 上课, 温书, 工作, 几乎每有消遣。 这次回来和上一次的情况完全不同。 说真的, 还蛮累的, 对于家里的少爷我而言。。 睡眠时间少, 考试一箩接一箩, 还有课业的压力, 追巴士, 追火车。 这条路真的没那么容易。。 然而还是很庆幸做了这个决定, 不管结果怎样, 我都得奋力地去拼搏下去。

最近就是一样, 吃素来省钱, 毕竟这里的生活费真的太高了。 生活就是这样, 有许多人在你身边来来去去, 大学的生活, 大家各忙各的, 根本没时间去交心。 也不知多久没和朋友掏心掏肺聊个不停了。 压力真的好大好大, 必须适时在部落格宣泄。 好想念家里的美食也, 也好怀念以前每天睡到自然醒的日子。 我好想和妈妈煮的鸡汤啊。 以前在家就像在菜馆, 想吃什么, 老妈都会尽量满足我们, 跟现在相比, 是天壤之别。

在这里最开心的三件事: 成绩的颜色一直在飞, 领到工钱, 睡到自然醒。


Sunday, October 24, 2010

How am I today

Exausted and Stressed

                                                                                                        How's World today?
                                                                                                         How's dad today?

Friday, October 22, 2010


Hi Peace, i'm updating my blog again. :)                                         

Current listening - A piano song

It's Friday! Yeah, thanks God. haha. Had finished my class at 4. I had done my English final draft, about a definition essay. Oww, i feel great, coz i worried it these days so much, i scared i ccouldn't do well. Feel more relax now. And i have got back my Calculus Mid-term exam paper. The marks is out of expectation, probably i should do it better. But it's ok, i will try my best as well in the coming exam. I will have a volunteering task for Moral 2ml morning. Have to meet up at TBS before 7AM! Gosh~~ It's Saturday lar Sir~~ But what to do, it's a volunteering job, a meaningful job. =) After all i will have my new part time job in Midvalley for 2ml n the day afetr it.

Recently i was busying with plenty of assignment and exam. Time is totally packed but sometimes i will waste my time facebooking. =X  My final exam will be in the coming 42 days. Be prepared!

College life is busier than my expectation. There is no time for entertainment if you can't manage your time well. I learn to be hardworking, independent and be mature coz i have to face the challenges in life by myself most of the time. Luckily i have awesome friends in Taylors and helpful housemates here. And my lovely parents who support my studies in KL. I know my plan had totally stress them up, but what to do now is i have to look forward, just like what mum told me. Don't always think from the negative side. Believe in what you have now, appreciate it and treasure it well. Life is sometimes tortuous but we have our right to decorate it with what we want.

Whenver i was despaired by the academic or other stuff, i learn to calm down and let myself to eliminate in a short time. After that, i have to move on and walk on. Don't let pessimistic to substitue your time. There's still lot of works and studies we should do. Outcome out of expectation, well, i will try my best next time. Everything is going to be better. That's not the end of the world. Buck up yourself and expel those grief stuff. 'That's nothing for me man!'

Haha, that's all for my sharing in this post. Hopefully my point is clear.
Cherish every moment of your life. Have a nice day guys. Happy weekend! =)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

A Peaceful Nite

I was urged to blog after finished revising 2 chapters of Sociology textbook. Gonna sit for Socio Test 2 n Socio Midterm next Thursday. This is a super hectic semester for me. Ouch, 6 subjects! Well, i believe i can manage them since I had decided to do extra 2 subjects in A&D Week previously.

I used to take my meals in a Vegetarian Restaurant recently. RM2 per meal! including drink. Haha, sounds very worthwhile isn't it? Yea, that's not bad, i can kill 2 birds with one stone.

Gonna start my new part time job this weekend. How wil it be? In fact i could start it last weekend but i was Ffked by the company in the last minute.

Plenty of homeworks to go. Econs, Acct and English Essay somemore. I'm currently doing definition essay: Definition of LOVE. wth, my previous draft is unacceptable as it's more to classification essay. All the homeworks due on this Friday. ==

I'm desperated for the coming semester break. 49 days to Go.

Anyway, life is full of joy though. Go ahead with my uncompleted homework now. Ciao~ my friends. =)
Cheerish every moments in your life.
Gud nite!

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Quote by Edward

First tastes of love...euphoria, butterflies in your stomach, hysteria, doubt, melting heart, anticipation, etc. It's not easy to describe love. When you are in it, you feel like you wanna come out; when you don't have it, you feel like you wanna jump into one. I think we should probably not jump into one hastily, but if we're already in it, we should aim to last.

Quote by Edward

Monday, October 18, 2010

He's back!!! The other side of DOwN!

Hey guys!!! David is back!!! DAvid aRchul3t@!!!
I have been waiting for his new song for such a longgggg time! Hey yo, David! Nice to see you again! and some mOrE~ I like your new songs so much!

- Nothing gonna Break my Stride

Somehow, his new songs motivated my spirit, truely. Here's the some of the songs from his new album 'The other side of Down'. Awesome songs with wonderful lyrics.

Something 'Bout Love

Every night it’s all the same

You’re frozen by the phone

You wait, something’s changed

You blame yourself every day

You’d do it again

Every night

There’s something ’bout love

That breaks your heart

Whoa oh oh oh

It sets you free

There’s something ’bout love

That tears you up

Whoa oh oh oh

You still believe

When the world falls down like the rain

It’ll bring you to your knees

There’s something ’bout love

That breaks your heart

Whoa oh oh oh

But don’t give up

There’s something ’bout love

 When you were young

Scared of the night

Waiting for love to come along

And make it right

Your day will come, the past is gone

So take your time

And live and let live

Don’t fight

Don’t hide

Those stars in your eyes (in your eyes)

Let em’ shine tonight

Let em’ shine tonight

The Other Side of Down

Here I am with all these questions hanging from my ceiling low

And one day they'll keep telling me I told you so

Everywhere I turn I see red lights flashing over my head

Oh no, oh no, oh no

In a whirl-wind spinning yeah somehow it knocked me off my feet

But I know better than to let it get the best of me,

I could give up, I could stay stuck, I could move on

So I put one foot front of the other,

No no no nothing's gonna break my stride,

I keep climbing, gonna keep fighting until I make it to the other side of down

In the sky, Im standing under all I see is endless rain

I think I spot a silver light hiding in the grey

I might get tossed around, but I'm always bouncing back


I could give up, I could stay stuck, I could move on.

Things Are Gonna Get Better

Yeah, yeah. Mmm hmm.

Everybody's got a time in their life

When everything hurts and nothing's right.

But you gotta walk on, yeah you gotta walk on.

Everybody's got a piece of their heart

That's been stepped on and torn apart.

But you gotta move on, yeah you gotta walk on.

Cause I, know, it's hard to have the strength and,

Sometimes, all you feel is pain, but,

Things keep floating by on that river in the night.

But I know things are gonna get better,

 Everybody's got that one regret, no matter how they try, they can't forget.

But you gotta move on, yeah you gotta move on.

And everybody's got someone they've lost,

And they can't believe they're really gone.

But you gotta live on, yeah you gotta live on.

Cause I, know, it's hard to have the strength and,

Sometimes, all you feel is pain, but,

Things keep floating by on that river in the night.

But I know things are gonna get better,

And I know things are gonna be fine.

And I know things are gonna get better.

Life is gonna get better, yeah we're gonna be fine.

And I know there's hope.

I see it in your eyes.

So take me, touch me.

Cause with a little bit of love, we can win the fight.

With a little bit of love we can see the light.

With a little bit of love it'll be alright.

Walk, walk, walk the line and,

keep, keep, keep walking on.

Keep, keep, keep walking on.

Insteed of listening to those emo songs, i'd recommend you the songs in his new album. Absorb the lyrics and enjoy his music, it will buck you up for sure. =)

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

只是突然的难过。 我还是会输不起他们的盘问, 刚才。 就只是刚才。。

爸妈, 你们真的很支持我, 我会继续加油努力, 用不放弃。 我不想再每个句子的前面加上‘差一点’。 其实我发现还是需要他人支持的, 但我也不会因为他人的不认同后悔退缩。 我放弃不应该属于我的一百, 为了得到没有任何 ‘差一点’ 的两百, 三百。。

好了, 不难过了。 加油, 我会继续加油, 我还是会继续维持乐观努力。

Sunday, October 10, 2010


染了一头红褐色的头发, 修了修发型, 我就是喜欢这样, 换发型就是换个心情。 全新的姿态, 继续上路。

最近的我很好, 只是偶尔忙于学业, 偶尔会熬夜, 偶尔工作, 偶尔开心, 偶尔难过, 偶尔因为考试压力心情低落, 偶尔因为考试的成绩雀跃失落, 偶尔学游泳, 偶尔学吉他, 上上网。。

前几天领了寿司店的薪水, 薪水比我想象中的低许多, 心中有小小的失落感。 更深深地体会到赚钱不容易。 也在附近的餐馆打了一份工。 上星期朋友介绍我到 midvalley 当 promoter, 薪资还不错的, 面试后, 下星期六就开工了。 嗯, 换份对自己好处较多的工作是值得的。 学业我也在努力着, 试着调整自己的时间观念, 因为担心应付不了这么多。 时间开始变得紧迫, 跟朋友出游逛街的次数减少了许多, 一方面也是为了省钱吧。 快要进入19岁了, 很多东西还是需要依靠父母, 例如学费。 其实难免会有少许愧疚感的。

‘碰到的事每一天都不同, 有的给我眼泪, 有的给我笑容; 遇见的人每一天都不同,偶尔失去什么, 偶尔学到什么。 ’ 好贴切的歌词。

还有六十天就是期末考了, 必须加把劲才行。

昨天和宥福出街买东西,我们从一见面就聊个不停, 非常开心。 买了支手表, 一副眼镜和两件衣服。 两件简单的 T-shirt, 再加上有优惠。


现在的我, 找不到伴, 可是还是想用这个空档好好地享受单身生活。 爱情, 先放一边吧, 毕竟我还不够成熟于爱情。 最近也没什么想谈恋爱, 说真的。 或许是每遇到吧, 也或许是没时间。 在乎自己, 爱自己, 这就是我学习到的教训。

哈哈, 自拍。 我不是自恋, 只是偶尔喜欢看看自己的模样啊。。


很快的, 这学期就会结束了, 2010 年也进入了尾声, 我也即将迈入 19 岁。 保持开朗的心, 继续前进。 这就是长大的过程。 继续加油, 刘忠万! =)



Wednesday, October 6, 2010

想家 06102010, 0145

星期六和星期日陆陆续续地受到妈妈的关心问候电话。 没有跟她聊很多, 因为不想让她担心。 回答中的语气带点敷衍。 妈, 对不起。。 因为和你们聊越多, 我的愧疚感越深。 我现在的每一步都是在努力, 除了证明给你们看, 也想去实现自己的梦想。。 原谅我只有这一个愿望, 就像每个孩子一样。。

明年农历新年, 我想应该没办法回家团圆了, 我真的很想家。

一直忙碌自己, 让自己不去想家, 不去想其他东西。 夜深时, 还是回到那个我, 那个依赖性很强的我。 我每一天都在设法让自己更进步, 没有停歇过, 只是偶尔会睡眠不足, 偶尔会在班上打瞌睡, 偶尔会贪玩。 贪玩过后就是一摞摞的罪恶感。 不是犯了什么大错, 只是觉得, 那是压力。

我怀念家里你那些拿手好菜, 以前因为吃腻了, 总是跟你嫌东嫌西。 这里没有人帮我炖鸡汤。。 =(

爸也还好吗? 家里, 应该都很好吧? 一定的, 我们家是蒙主保守的家, 老妈总是那样告诉我。。

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Hey US!

Hey US!!                                                   =)

Friday, October 1, 2010


最近, 生活除了忙碌还是忙碌。

说实在的, 还真的很累。 白天上课, 有时晚上就是工作。 再加上考试的压力和堆积如山的功课。 累得每天只有四个小时的入眠时间。

情绪低落时, 就冲到附近的‘嘛嘛档’来碗 cendol 消气, 一口气把它解决, 然后再回去好好睡一觉, 不让自己有任何时间去想那些情绪垃圾, 因为真的, 我已经没有时间去想那些有的没的了。

可以说是身心灵的一点点疲倦吧, 哈。 真的好想好好睡一觉。 待会儿又有打工, 这就是最近的生活, 在忙碌中度过。 累的时候我都会安慰自己, 加油, 不要放弃, 开心点, 睁开双眼的每一天早上,都是对未来充满期待的。 只是偶尔还是有一点点沮丧, 可是我学会了用最多两小时, 把它从心中除去。

拍拍胸膛, 来! 打起精神! 继续前进, 我的超级企业梦。。 =)