Thursday, April 15, 2010

当魔鬼提醒你关于你的过去时, 请你提醒他关于他的未来。

'当魔鬼提醒你关于你的过去时, 请你提醒他关于他的未来。' 我好喜欢这句哦。。 亲爱的朋友, 我觉得你真的误会了。。。 也或许是我应该向你道歉, 因为我的诠释法让你误解。。 今晚有不少的小失望感。。。 不过没关系吧, 明天会更好, 晚安。。。主啊, 提携我。。。  :)


Crystabelle Belle said...

It's realy fascinating reading your blod. Full fo wisdom and inspiration and hardwork. hehheeh :D
Like all the picts especially the keychain. Never thought time do flies and it's been a month you;re there. All the best of luck and do write more. I enjoy myself reading your blog.

Chris Lau said...

Hey Belle, th'x for ur continuos supporting to my blog and th'x for ur feedback.. ^ I feel vy happy everytime u said u like my blog.. It's a kind of encouragement for me.. Let us together be a shining star in future! ^^