Tuesday, April 9, 2013


旅行回来后我向理发师指着杂志上 PSY 说, 我想要他那样的发型。 后来我买了发蜡和 hairspray 每天出门确定自己要把头发往后。 发蜡就是为头发抓出线条, hairspray 不让风把头发吹倒吹乱。 我还真乖, 没有忘记这些东西要怎么去用。

报名健身后立刻和教练讨教增肥的 tips, 他说一天要睡上八个小时, 要吃午餐吃很多很多, 固定到健身房报到, 然后吃些 protein 之类的。 临睡前我把闹钟调到早上六点, 但我总是七点才甘愿起床。 洗刷后, 在上巴士前把早餐和美碌吃喝完。 为什么是美碌? 教练说它会给予我更多能量。

晚上在书店把 philosophy 课本拿来翻, 那些是我之前想也不会想去碰的书籍。 我想以后再见到土耳其那个嬉皮士的时候就可以和他争辩更多 Marxism 之类的东西。
前天送走菲律宾的沙发客友人后我特别想念一些旅途中的朋友。 再加上那时又下起毛毛雨, 太诗情画意了。

像切.戈瓦拉一样, 一段旅行的结束是另一个更高层次梦想的开始。 我们都没有预知未来的能力, 因为它是掌握在上帝手中。 我们还是要坚持梦想, 坚持怎么样去爱。 那是最美也最浪漫的学问, 谁叫我是浪漫派。

In order to hear Love’s words, you must allow love to approach.
However, when it does draw near, we fear what it might say to us, because Love is free and not ruled by our will or our will or by what we do.
All lovers know this, but refuse to accept it.
They think they can seduce Love through submission, power, beauty, wealth, tears and smiles. True love, however is the love that seduces and will never allow itself to be seduced.
Love transforms, love heals.
We are used to thinking that what we give in the same as what we received, but people who love, expecting to be loved in return, are wasting their time.
Love is an art of faith, not an exchange.
Contradictions are what make love grow.
Conflicts are what allow love to remain by our side.
Life is too short for us to keep important words, for example “I love you” locked in our hearts.



Wen Chin said...


haan said...



McCartney said...


如何笨到底 但到底 還是我
誰人待我好 待我差 太清楚
想繼續裝傻 卻又無力受折磨
心裡羨慕有些人 盲目到不計後果