Sunday, December 19, 2010

Go Go Brother!

I guess i had found out the reason why i felt like get lost these few days. Yeah, blame the money!

Insomnia, blame the nap. Haha, stop blaming boy, positive thinking please! Okay, yea, actually i'm worrying about my new free launch, advertising sales which is going to start next week.

Perhaps the target makes me feel suck. But if I go through it and accomplish an excellent sales, then I can get what i desperate for. Doing business is my favourite and I should enjoy it, get rid of me you stress.

No Penang Trip, no Sabah Trip, no Sibu vacation, no Christmas Dinner. Well, fight for the target! Law of Attraction! Come on Baby!

Blame this! Blame that! Stop blaming and start to think of what you love. The Law of Power!

Go Go you brother!


Sl Lau said...

add oil add oil^^

Chris Lau said...

Hey Shili, long time no see! thanks ar. =)