白天在飞机上望出窗外, 把手掌贴在玻璃上, 仿佛能一把捉住全世界;
夜晚飞机降落在城市机场时, 陆地上的粒粒颗颗的灯火最为赏心悦目。
365 天内五次单程的飞机, 不多, 也不少, 但耗了的是许多人都说有它万事能的, 钱。
六月份在飞机上认识到一位为人开朗且健谈的大姐姐。 她是怡保人, 刚巧结束诗巫的公干, 两小时的飞机, 就这样, 旅行经历, 摄影技巧分享, 成功的事业经验, 坚守的人生原则, 霹雳啪啦谈到亚航吉隆坡机场。
前往狮城的巴士上, 也遇到了一对热心的夫妇。 他们是许多人尤其我们年轻人的学习楷模, 就这样,和友人,夫妇四人开心地聊到新加坡, 就这样, 我们也交换了彼此的联系方式。 在地铁上上‘搭上’一位美女问路。 美女是狮城人, 长相有如徐若萱, 在美国就读经济学放假回来。 一口流利的中文让我刮目相看! 新加坡人的中文有那么标准吗? 疑心麻麻。 原来她在中国参与过学生交换计划, 也非常热爱中文。 下了地铁, 就这样, 我们只有一面之缘。
在 NUS 友人的宿舍楼也很有缘地碰到马来西亚的学生。 她是个非常友善的女生, 爱辩论, 优秀杰出, 同时文字张力令人咋舌的女生。 在面子书上加了她, 就这样, 我们偶尔都会保持联络, 互相鼓励互相关心互相分享。
云顶的巴士上, 也碰到一位友善的马大四年级生, 同样是一起去度假。 他很清楚自己的梦想, 很清楚自己的梦想, 很计划自己的方向。 同样地, 我们滔滔不绝, 是爱讲话? 还是爱分享? 很显然地, 我们都爱分享。 还是一样, 我们只有一面之缘。
不晓得为何, 我就是很喜欢在不熟悉的地方去结交来自不同文化背景的朋友。 一面之缘, 也许就有如人们常说的, 他们是我们生命中的过客。 很珍惜他们, 就像珍惜身边的家人朋友一样! 仔细地想一想, 生命中若不是这些人, 那岂不是乏味郁闷吗?
生活中, 本来就有个原理, 来的来, 去的去。 旧的不去, 新的不来。 当然这话不能运用在每个人情事务上。 但很肯定地, 失去了什么, 就学到了什么。 学习看开, 学习衡量, 学习适时地回应没关系, 学习什么不值得我们在乎, 看清什么最重要, 什么最适合自己, 什么是自己想要的。
2010 年的结束, 也让自己 18 岁的疯狂史划上句点。 2010 的结束, 也意味着我正迈入 19 的天空。 某年某月某日你得到了他她, 某年某月某日你失去了他她。 爱情不是生活的全部, 但它教会了我们怎样去爱一个人。
也许我很想她, 也许我还在意她, 但这一切已完全不重要。 也许某一天, 我们会在街头的某个角落遇见, 轻轻地微笑问候, 然后知道各自都过得很好。
打包 2010 的回忆作纪念。 让自己每天都增值, 考好的成绩申请号的大学。
在多哈逗留五个小时等待转机, 也在杜拜城市逛了几下, 搭上飞机, 和空姐空少, 机长副机长继续旅途。 梦想起飞, 加油哦, 人生新的一页开始了! =)
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Sunday, December 26, 2010
老鹰飞翔时, 拍动翅膀的次数比其它鸟类来得少, 但它去飞得特别高, 特别远。
昨晚和友人聊天时发现, 我是该缓一缓脚步了。 我想飞得高飞得远, 但却扭曲了自己的原则, 这样真的不好。
人生是需要计划的, 也要学习见风转舵。 在过两个月就好好让自己放个假吧。 囚鸟的生活形态不可以就这样过一整年。 加油吧!
昨晚和友人聊天时发现, 我是该缓一缓脚步了。 我想飞得高飞得远, 但却扭曲了自己的原则, 这样真的不好。
人生是需要计划的, 也要学习见风转舵。 在过两个月就好好让自己放个假吧。 囚鸟的生活形态不可以就这样过一整年。 加油吧!
Saturday, December 25, 2010
It's a Beautiful Day
It's a Beautiful Day!
A brother shared Lord's words with me for 2 hours just now. Yeah, it did buck me up. Believe in God and lead your burden to Him. It's a beautiful day, rejoice it!
Merry Christmas! =)
A brother shared Lord's words with me for 2 hours just now. Yeah, it did buck me up. Believe in God and lead your burden to Him. It's a beautiful day, rejoice it!
Merry Christmas! =)
Thursday, December 23, 2010
那一年起, 地球不再为我转动。
遗憾是美的, 回忆是美的。 那一年起, 发现那地球已停止位我转动。
曾经有那么一个人, 这么说过, 只要你踏出第一步, 其余的 99 步由我来。 曾经有那么一个人, 夜里翻来覆去时, 脑海里会闪过他的影子。 我们以前是那么的要好, 但现在一切已不一样了。 惨不忍睹的故事结尾只能用文字去美化它。
曾经有那么一个人是那么的在乎你。 曾经, 不善交际的你是被他的开朗个性熏陶成一个喜欢群体生活的班长。 曾经无数的日子我们一起交换心情, 一人一辆摩托车环游整个家乡。
如今, 这段友情已逝去。 那颗拥有恒星寿命长度的卫星已不再我宇宙的隧道上。
回忆究竟还是回忆, 人终究还是要回到现实生活中。 把自己过得更好。
今天的你, 快乐了吗?
曾经有那么一个人, 这么说过, 只要你踏出第一步, 其余的 99 步由我来。 曾经有那么一个人, 夜里翻来覆去时, 脑海里会闪过他的影子。 我们以前是那么的要好, 但现在一切已不一样了。 惨不忍睹的故事结尾只能用文字去美化它。
曾经有那么一个人是那么的在乎你。 曾经, 不善交际的你是被他的开朗个性熏陶成一个喜欢群体生活的班长。 曾经无数的日子我们一起交换心情, 一人一辆摩托车环游整个家乡。
如今, 这段友情已逝去。 那颗拥有恒星寿命长度的卫星已不再我宇宙的隧道上。
回忆究竟还是回忆, 人终究还是要回到现实生活中。 把自己过得更好。
今天的你, 快乐了吗?
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
No fear, move on.
It was an awesome night with ECAians for the Christmas celebration. Awesome day for me, finally i hit a sale.
Lord, i need you so much. Give me confidence and get rid of my tiredness. Everything is getting better and better.
I spent my whole day in Puchong Jaya. Yeah, have to get used of it. I just need a buck up and a cuddle for this moment. That's all, take a rest and life's going on. Stay strong for my dreams. Lord, you are always blessing me and i appreciate it. Miracles keep appearing in my daily life. Cheers.
Lord, i need you so much. Give me confidence and get rid of my tiredness. Everything is getting better and better.
I spent my whole day in Puchong Jaya. Yeah, have to get used of it. I just need a buck up and a cuddle for this moment. That's all, take a rest and life's going on. Stay strong for my dreams. Lord, you are always blessing me and i appreciate it. Miracles keep appearing in my daily life. Cheers.
Sunday, December 19, 2010
Go Go Brother!
I guess i had found out the reason why i felt like get lost these few days. Yeah, blame the money!
Insomnia, blame the nap. Haha, stop blaming boy, positive thinking please! Okay, yea, actually i'm worrying about my new free launch, advertising sales which is going to start next week.
Perhaps the target makes me feel suck. But if I go through it and accomplish an excellent sales, then I can get what i desperate for. Doing business is my favourite and I should enjoy it, get rid of me you stress.
No Penang Trip, no Sabah Trip, no Sibu vacation, no Christmas Dinner. Well, fight for the target! Law of Attraction! Come on Baby!
Blame this! Blame that! Stop blaming and start to think of what you love. The Law of Power!
Go Go you brother!
Insomnia, blame the nap. Haha, stop blaming boy, positive thinking please! Okay, yea, actually i'm worrying about my new free launch, advertising sales which is going to start next week.
Perhaps the target makes me feel suck. But if I go through it and accomplish an excellent sales, then I can get what i desperate for. Doing business is my favourite and I should enjoy it, get rid of me you stress.
No Penang Trip, no Sabah Trip, no Sibu vacation, no Christmas Dinner. Well, fight for the target! Law of Attraction! Come on Baby!
Go Go you brother!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Winter 2010
This and that about me this December.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
It Might Be
Again, how's world today? hmm.. :)
What a silly question? haha, yup, it's quite lmao..
So today is 7th day of my holidays rite? yup. aisk, this self-conversation is kinda lame wey.
It is 16th of December, cool, gonna say goodbye to 2010. It's hard to say goodbye but time flows. Mr. Nobody can control the time. Well, 2010 is a memorial year for me. Things come and go. "Yes, you can lose somebody overnight, yes, your whole life can be turned upside down. Life is short. It can come and go like a feather in the wind." I cited it from a certain webpage. Absolutely. Tears and smile, gain and lose, good or bad, France or State, and many more. Seriously, it is harsh for me and i'm trying to go through it now.
Some said you did all things wrong; some says yeah dude, i support you, follow your heart, follow your dreams. Some asked, lad, are you clear with what you wana be in the future? Questions and questions were asked doubtly. And yet, I have to spend few years to prove myself. It is my choice and i deserved for all its consequences. 'Good sold is not refundable'. Man, I have my consumer's right and i had chose what suit me the best. As stubborn as when you was in high school? Ah, perhaps, haha!
Seniors, Terence and Jane are transfering to State next Spring. Some of my friends are busying with their Fall application. And me, TOEFL is waiting for me. 365 days is short, rushing this rushing that, life is short, do cheerishing every moment you have. I'm trying to aply this theory in my daily life. Couldn't get used of it right now, but soon i will.
Hmmm... I miss my family, my friends, and i miss everything in Sibu. Distance makes heart grows fonder. Few more seasons and you will be free Chris. Christmas is coming. I might skip this Christmas, no I will.
Everything is fine here, enjoy your life! Ciao~
What a silly question? haha, yup, it's quite lmao..
So today is 7th day of my holidays rite? yup. aisk, this self-conversation is kinda lame wey.
It is 16th of December, cool, gonna say goodbye to 2010. It's hard to say goodbye but time flows. Mr. Nobody can control the time. Well, 2010 is a memorial year for me. Things come and go. "Yes, you can lose somebody overnight, yes, your whole life can be turned upside down. Life is short. It can come and go like a feather in the wind." I cited it from a certain webpage. Absolutely. Tears and smile, gain and lose, good or bad, France or State, and many more. Seriously, it is harsh for me and i'm trying to go through it now.
Some said you did all things wrong; some says yeah dude, i support you, follow your heart, follow your dreams. Some asked, lad, are you clear with what you wana be in the future? Questions and questions were asked doubtly. And yet, I have to spend few years to prove myself. It is my choice and i deserved for all its consequences. 'Good sold is not refundable'. Man, I have my consumer's right and i had chose what suit me the best. As stubborn as when you was in high school? Ah, perhaps, haha!
Seniors, Terence and Jane are transfering to State next Spring. Some of my friends are busying with their Fall application. And me, TOEFL is waiting for me. 365 days is short, rushing this rushing that, life is short, do cheerishing every moment you have. I'm trying to aply this theory in my daily life. Couldn't get used of it right now, but soon i will.
Hmmm... I miss my family, my friends, and i miss everything in Sibu. Distance makes heart grows fonder. Few more seasons and you will be free Chris. Christmas is coming. I might skip this Christmas, no I will.
Everything is fine here, enjoy your life! Ciao~
Friday, December 10, 2010
千言万语说不尽... 爸爸希望你努力求学... 主耶稣祝福你...
2010 年12月9日
三个月了。。 爸谢谢你。。。 我会努力的。。
2010 年12月9日
三个月了。。 爸谢谢你。。。 我会努力的。。
Thursday, December 2, 2010
2010/12/02 | 16.56 | 33'C
感谢主, 校方刚打来通知我三千零吉的奖学金还有效, 下学期就可以省下三千块的学费了。
放学回家时, 发现户口里多了两百块, 不多不少, 妈妈心疼他宝贝儿子了, 哈。。 谢谢你们啊老爸老妈。
放学回家时, 发现户口里多了两百块, 不多不少, 妈妈心疼他宝贝儿子了, 哈。。 谢谢你们啊老爸老妈。
Wednesday, December 1, 2010
希腊和埃及都好特别。 希望可以很快地到那里开始人生的第一次背包旅行。
最近, 摄影已成为了我生活中不可割舍的一部分了。
学费, 生活费, 还有很多很多。。 好好存钱, 好好赚钱, 加油!

最近, 摄影已成为了我生活中不可割舍的一部分了。
学费, 生活费, 还有很多很多。。 好好存钱, 好好赚钱, 加油!
=) 总有一天!
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